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Dr. Gajender Ahlawat DDS: January 2015

Monday, 12 January 2015

Basic Restorative Treatment (Fillings)

If the dentist identifies any teeth with decay or existing fillings requiring replacement, they may advise you of the need for a filling on a particular tooth. Having a filling performed may require the use of a local anesthetic and will involve the dentist removing the decay and any unsound tooth structure with a handpiece and placing a filling in its place. If the filling is very large, the dentist may also recommend that the tooth should eventually have a crown placed as well. There are two main types of fillings used by the dentist and they are: Composite Resins (white Fillings) and Amalgam (silver-Metal Fillings).


A complete dental examination is required for new patients as well as for existing patients on a periodic basis. An examination assists the dentist and dental team in documenting your existing dental condition as well as identifying any underlying areas of concern. A complete examination consists of an evaluation of the oral cavity, including the teeth and the soft tissues. Limited examinations (emergency or specific examination) may be conducted as required and as the circumstances dictate and are limited to a particular problem or a particular concern and do not necessarily involve an examination of the entire mouth and all the teeth.